Programming with C
Prerequisite: None
Course Duration: 30 Hours
Course Fees: $ 1,500
C Programming Course Content:
- Introduction to C Programming Language
- C Operators and Expressions
- C Decision Control Structure
- C Loop Control Structure
- C Case Control Structure
- C Functions and Pointers
- More Data Types in C
- C Preprocessor
- C Arrays
- C Strings
- Structures and Union in C
- More Issues in Input/Output
- Working with Files in C
- Linked List using C
Project on "A menu-driven program for elementary database management"
Programming with C++
Prerequisite: C
Course Duration: 30 Hours
Course Fees: $ 2,400
C++ Programming Course Content:
- C++ Overview
- Object Oriented Programming
- C++ Basic Syntax
- C++ Keywords, Identifiers and Data Types
- C++ Storage Classes
- C++ Operators
- C++ Decision Control Structure
- C++ Loops
- C++ Arrays
- C++ Strings
- C++ Pointers
- C++ References
- C++ Classes and Objects
- C++ Access Specifiers
- C++ Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance in C++
- Multiple Inheritance in C++
- C++ Function Overloading and Operator Overloading
- Polymorphism in C++
- C++ Virtual Functions
- Data Abstraction and Data Encaptulation in C++
- C++ Interfaces
- Files and Streams in C++
- C++ Exception Handling
- C++ Namespaces
- C++ Templates